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How do I get past a plateau on the Keto Diet?

Updated: Dec 6, 2019

Do you love the Ketogenic Diet? If you've been on keto for awhile the answer is most likely yes because you've probably lost a decent amount of weight. But recently, you may have noticed that your weight loss has slowed down or possibly stalled completely. There are several factors that could be contributing to your plateau. While it's very frustrating, don't give up on Keto just yet. We're not doctors, we're just sharing our experience during our weight loss journey in hopes that it will help you too.

Drink more water. It seems so simple because it is that simple. Our bodies need plenty of water to filter out toxins and keep our cells healthy, including shedding excess fat. Now the big question is: How much water do I need daily? A minimum of 64oz is what you'll hear from most people. But is that really enough during your weight loss journey? Probably not. A good rule of thumb is to divide your weight by 2, that's the minimum number of ounces of water you should drink daily. So, if you currently weigh 200 pounds, divide that by two and you get 100 ounces (200/2=100). Conversely, drinking too much water will deplete your body of essential minerals like sodium. It can also overwork your kidneys causing other issues (For more info research water intoxication).

Eat more fat. Sounds backwards from what we've been told our whole lives, but it's vital to maintain ketosis that you feed your body enough fat, fat=fuel. As a general rule, 70% of your daily food intake should be from fat, but not just any fat. The kind of fats you're eating do make a difference in the long run. Sure in the beginning burgers, butter and bacon sound great. Obviously, it's totally unhealthy for your heart and several other organs but you will see the pounds fall off initially. For the best long-term results, incorporate more fats from plants like coconut, olive and avocado. At least 25% of your fats should come from these sources. These plant based fat sources also contain essential vitamins and minerals not found in animal fats.

Get more restful sleep. Easier said than done. You may not need a full eight hours of sleep but if your sleep is not restful, meaning you're not getting into a deep sleep state, you will wake up tired and unrefreshed. If you wake up frequently at night or have trouble falling asleep, try some of these suggestions.

  • Turn off all electronic devices, including TV, at least an hour before bedtime

  • No eating/drinking at least 3 hours before bedtime

  • Take natural sleep aids like melatonin, magnesium or valerian root (some have even starting using CBD oil to get a more restful sleep)

  • Use lavender or chamomile oil in a diffuser (we use dōTERRA)

  • Exercise, even walking, leads to a better night's sleep

  • Be consistent, going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday, even on your days off, helps reset your body's internal clock

  • Avoid caffeine after 3pm, if you're still having problems going to sleep make noon your cut-off.

Remember, every body is different, what works for one person may not work for another. Give each of these suggestions several nights, maybe even a week to see if it's making a difference before trying something else.

Adjust your macros. If you've been on Keto for several months, no doubt you've lost some weight. Have you adjusted your daily macros to reflect your new current weight? If not, there may no longer be a deficit and that's why you've stalled. It's an easy fix though. Plug in your current weight to any macro finder or app (we like the free Carb Manager app) and it will tell you how many calories, carbs, protein and fats you should be eating to continue to lose weight. Tweak as needed.

Eat more whole foods. In our busy lives we've become accustomed to fast food, microwave meals and prepackaged snacks. This can be true even on keto. Sadly, many of these products while they are keto friendly and fit our macros, contain additives, preservatives and fillers that could be causing our stall. Try reducing the amount of food you eat that you don't prepare yourself. If you're the working type, meal prep the night before or on weekends. Utilize those crock-pots so dinner is ready when you get home. Make double batches of meals so you can take leftovers for lunch. Find what works for you to eat more homemade foods and less packaged foods.

Snack less. It kind of goes with the previous one, but warrants its own section. Now more than ever before, keto eaters have plenty of tasty options when it comes to snacks - chips, cookies, meal bars, flavored nuts/seeds, jerky and more. Before you tear into your next snack, stop and think: Am I hungry or just bored? If you are truly hungry, then eat. But if you're snacking out of habit - STOP! You are sabotaging your weight loss. Instead of grabbing a snack try drinking some water or electrolytes, get up and move, maybe distract yourself with a hobby or cleaning. If you find yourself feeling snacky often, your meals may not be providing enough of the nutrients that your body needs so make some adjustments.

If you've tried all of these things and you're still not losing weight, it may be time to check in with your doctor to make sure there's nothing else going on. And ladies, as your weight goes down, your body and hormones get back on track so don't rule out pregnancy. It happened to us after I lost 40 pounds--surprise we had twins!

If you've got any tried and true tips, please share them below.

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