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Keto Egg Fast Guidelines and Tips

Updated: May 28, 2020

If you've been scrolling through social media you've probably seen users boast about their amazing results from egg fasting. What exactly is an egg fast? Do you only eat eggs during an egg fast? How many ways are there to prepare eggs? Have no fear, we're here to help you plan a successful egg fast.

Why start an egg fast? An egg fast can help you break food cravings, bust through a weigh-loss plateau, detox your gut, shed unwanted water weight and reduce bloat. You see there are many reasons why you may consider trying an egg fast but it all comes down to the same thing - it puts you deeper into Ketosis. How? An egg fast significantly limits your carbohydrate intake - typically under 10g per day. This causes your body to run solely on fat, whether it's from what you've eaten that day or stored body fat. You should notice some weight loss each day of your egg fast, first excess water weight then fat loss. If you're checking your ketone levels with a monitor (urine, blood or breath) each day your numbers should increase. You'll probably see some of your highest numbers after the third day.

How long should you continue an egg fast? There are no limits but it's best to commit to a minimum of three days. We also recommend utilizing transition days before and after your egg fast. This will help you ease into the egg fast and to retain your results afterwards. While there is no limit on how long to continue, be mindful that eating such a limited diet for extended periods can cause problems like: food allergies/intolerance, food aversion and binge eating. We recommend no more than one week per month.*

What do you eat during an egg fast? Aside from eggs, a traditional egg fast includes a variety of fats, cheeses, coffee, tea and electrolytes (scroll down for dairy-free egg fast guidelines). Of course, you may add seasonings to your food but limit your use of sweeteners. Check Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or our website for tried and true egg fast recipes. A good rule of thumb for an egg fast is if a specific food doesn't agree with you or you don't like it - don't eat it! Before you ask if you can eat something check the list below. If it's not on the list, you cannot eat it. Sorry but this is a FAST, you are eliminating all foods not on this list.

Egg Fast Approved Food List

  • 6-10 eggs

  • 6-10 fats (butter, ghee, mayo, avocado or coconut oil including MCT oil)

  • full fat cheese (3oz per day including cream cheese)

  • plain coffee or tea (limit sweeteners, no cream)

  • electrolyte drinks (double your normal intake) we like Key Nutrients and Propel

  • water (minimum of 64oz daily, not including your other liquids)

  • supplements (vitamins, collagen peptides, medication)

What can you eat for a dairy-free egg fast? Many people are lactose intolerant and don't even realize it until they eliminate it from their diet. They are pleasantly surprised by at how good they feel - less tummy troubles and less inflammation. Or, maybe you know it's a problem but love it too much to give it up like us. No worries, we also have suggestions and recipes for a dairy-free egg fast. Instead of cheese, eat one avocado per day. This can be split up between two of your meals or eaten all at one time. This does not count as one of your fats.

How many eggs should you eat each day? Most guidelines suggest a minimum of six eggs per day and a maximum of ten, but it varies from person to person. If you have more weight to lose, you will most likely eat 9-10, if you workout you will probably eat 9-10, if you are hungry between meals chances are you will eat 9-10. On our very first egg fast we planned for ten but only ate eight. On our last egg fast, we averaged six per day. As stated earlier, an egg fast is a great way to get cravings under control including the need to snack between meals.

How much fat should you eat each day? This is easy to remember 1:1, one fat for every egg you eat. So, if you eat six eggs you should have six tablespoons of fats. Now, they don't have be in the same dish. For example, breakfast could be bulletproof coffee (with 2 fats) along with 3 scrambled eggs cooked in 1T. butter. That would give you a total of 3 eggs and 3 fats. There are some great recipes that incorporate fats into the dish like egg drop soup, quiche, custard, egg loaf and egg salad. Egg fast fats include butter, ghee, mayonnaise, cacao butter, coconut oil (including MCT oil) and avocado oil.

Do you need to track your macros during an egg fast? The simple answer is no but for your first time we think it's a good idea. Tracking will help you to see exactly what and how much you're eating each day. It can also help you establish a good routine of tracking once the egg fast is complete. We find it helps to see in writing (or on an app) how much we've eaten each day to be certain we've gotten enough nutrients and that our egg to fat ratio matches up.

Fried Egg Burger
Transition Meal - Fried Egg Burger

What is a transition day? The day before and after are what we call transition days, which is optional. We find it helps ease our bodies into the extreme low carbohydrate intake, avoid getting the Keto flu and helps our results stick. You'll still want to eat eggs with each meal but add a small portion of meat or one vegetable to each meal. This should keep your carbohydrate count well under fifteen for the day. So, if you're planning on a 3-day egg fast, you're total will be 5 days including a transition day on both ends.

You are now ready to start your egg fast. Planning is the key to success. Shop ahead, meal plan and try new recipes the week before to make sure you like it. There's nothing worse than making a meal, not liking it and forcing yourself to eat it. One last tip, boil a dozen eggs the day before so you have them handy for snacks in between meals (just in case you get hungry) and for making egg salad, deviled eggs or Parmesan crusted eggs.

Useful References: - guidelines, forms, FAQ's and recipes - FAQ's and recipes - tips, recipes and sample menu, including dairy-free

*Please keep in mind that we are not doctors and are not offering medical advise. We are simply sharing our own experiences and recommendations. Before beginning any regimen, consult with your doctor to be sure it's safe for you.


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