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Keto Recipe: Parmesan Crusted Eggs

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Each time we do an egg fast, we try to incorporate new recipes. This is so simple it's ridiculous! All you need is a frying pan, hard-boiled eggs, butter and grated Parmesan. They make a great alternative to deviled eggs as an appetizer too. No doubt, your family will love these two-bite treats. Enjoy!

Egg to Fat Ratio 1:1

Parmesan Crusted Eggs

  • 3 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and halved

  • 3 T butter*, divided

  • 2-3T grated Parmesan

  • S&P to taste

1. Spread a thin layer of butter (or mayo) across each egg half.

2. Press into grated Parmesan (see picture below).

3. Melt 1T butter (or ghee) in a small frying pan on medium heat.

4. Once melted, carefully place eggs, cheese side down, into the frying pan. Cook for 5-6 minutes. The edges wil crisp and brown. Use a spatula to remove from pan, otherwise the cheese may separate or fold over.

5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, serve immediatley.

NOTE: You can use mayonnaise as the glue instead of butter but you'll want to use butter or ghee in the pan to fry them.

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