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Keto Recipe: Spinach Feta Puffs

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

So you need an appetizer that can be served hot or sit out at room temperature for a bit? We've got you covered - Spinach Feta Puffs. If you like Spanakopita or Spinach Pinwheels, you'll love this Keto version we've created. Use your favorite fathead dough recipe (or try our all-purpose dough). If you don't care for Feta, mozzarella or chèvre would work nicely too. Feeling fancy? Try some add-ins like roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes. This recipe has plenty of room for creativity, so get cooking!

Keto Spinach Feta Puffs

Spinach Filling

  • 10oz frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry

  • 4oz cream cheese, softened

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • dash of black pepper and ground nutmeg

  • 4oz Feta, crumbled

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients together, except feta, until well incorporated.

2. There's two ways we've made these:

--First option, divide the dough into 12 balls. Flatten the dough ball into a square about 1/4 inch thickness. Place a heaping tablespoon of the spinach mixture in the center and top with a teaspoon of feta. Then, fold in half into a triangle and pinch the edges together, this is the traditional shape for Spanakopita. Repeat.

--Second option (as pictured), spread a thin layer of the mixture over dough that has been rolled flat (should be about rolled into a 10x16 rectangle, 1/4 inch thickness). Sprinkle the feta evenly over the spinach mixture. Then, carefully roll dough over itself like cinnamon rolls. Cut about every 1.5 inches.

3. Either way you shape them, bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges start to brown. Makes 12.

Optional: For a crisper, browner dough brush with egg wash before baking.

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