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Keto Recipe: Turnip au Gratin

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

What is the difference between au gratin and scalloped? We may use them interchangeably but there is a difference - it's the cheese! Scalloped refers to a cream sauce, like béchamel, poured over thinly sliced potatoes then baked. Au gratin, takes it to the next level by adding cheese to the sauce then baking with more cheese and breadcrumbs sprinkled on top. Perfect for Keto eaters, if you use turnips. Side point, another one of our favorite is dauphinois - a mild, garlic cream sauce.

Keto Turnip au Gratin

  • 6 small turnips, peeled and sliced (about 2.5 pounds)

  • 2c shredded cheese (we like to medium cheddar but mild or sharp is fine too)

  • 1/2c heavy cream

  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 3 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375°. Lay down a single layer of turnips in a large greased baking dish (9x13).

2. Season liberally, turnips will absorb a lot so be generous. Sprinkle with 1/3 of the cheese.

3. Repeat, you should have three layers. Lastly, pour the heavy cream over the top. Cover with foil. This will help steam the turnips (they take longer to cook than potatoes) and prevents the cheese from burning.

4. Bake for 45 minutes. Remove foil cover and bake another 5-10 minutes to crisp the top. Serves 8.

TIP: Buy turnips on the smaller size. They will be less fibrous and have a milder flavor.

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