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Keto Recipe: Bacon Knots

You can never have enough bacon, right? We think so too. We make these all the time. They make a great snack or quick breakfast when paired with a hard boiled egg. Another option is as an appetizer, serve with dip or let it stand alone. We make these two ways: 1-Bacon Knots and 2-Bacon Rings. You decide which is better, just don't run out of bacon!

Bacon Knots

  • 12-16oz package bacon (try to get nitrate free if possible)

  • 1-2T grated Parmesan

  • 1 tsp dried oregano or Italian seasoning

  • dash of black pepper

See below for step by step pictures of the knotting process. This batch uses one slice per piece and we double knot them. If you like your bacon crispier or want more pieces, cut bacon slices in half and knot once. Arrange knots on baking tray and sprinkle with cheese and seasonings. Bake in the air fryer for 15 minutes at 375°, then 5 minutes at 350°.

For a different flavor skip the cheese and seasonings. Before baking, try basting the knots/rings with one of these:

  • 2T sugar-free BBQ sauce OR

  • 2T sugar-free maple syrup

Note: As you can see, we've even tried Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings, they're amazing!

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